VP (Patrol Squadron) VPB (Patrol Bombing Squadron) VB (Patrol Bombing) |
"...While many patrol squadrons were identified as "VP" at the beginning of WWII, by about mid 1942 the designation changed to "VB" for those who were considered bombing squadrons.
The Navy squadrons receiving the PB4Y-1 Liberators, while initially having the old "VP" squadron identification attached from the PBY's, were known as "VB" squadrons until September 30th, 1944.
From October 1st, 1944 forward, all Liberator and later Privateer squadrons were known as "VPB" squadrons, Patrol Bombing. With several of the war time PB4Y squadrons disestablished, the old squadron designator "VP" came back and took up with the WWII numbering (for example VPB-106 became VP-106) until mid 1946..." Contributed by Ron PB4YGuy@aol.com..."
"...When the new squadron numbering system was introduced in July 1939 all of the 21 U.S. Navy Patrol Squadrons were renumbered. VP-4 thus became VP-22, identifying it as number two Squadron under CPW-2..." Contributed by Peter Dunn's AUSTRALIA @ WAR http://home.st.net.au/~dunn/usnavy/vp-22.htm [07OCT2005]
"...As the war progressed, more changes were made to the Model Designation of Naval Aircraft.
In July 1944 a major change was instituted for the Aircraft Class Designation System.
Naval aircraft were divided into three main types identified by a letter:
V for fixed wing vehicles (airplanes, gliders and drones) H for rotary wing vehicles (helicopter) Z for lighter-then-air vehicles (airships).
The three main types were then each subdivided into classes. One was fixed wing type (V) which included:
VPB(HL) patrol bombers (heavy or 4 engine landplane) VPB(ML) patrol bombers (medium or 2 engine landplane) VPB(HS) patrol bombers (heavy or 4 engine seaplane) VPB(MS) patrol bombers (medium or 2 engine seaplane).
On 11 March 1946, a major revision was issued to the Class Designation of Naval Aircraft. Aviation Circula Letter Number 43–46 divided naval aircraft V for heavier-than-air (fixed wing).
Within the class designation for V type aircraft, the primary mission and class designation were Patrol (search for enemy) VP - DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN NAVAL AVIATION SQUADRONS—Volume..." WebSite: U. S. Navy Historical Center http://www.history.navy.mil/research/histories/naval-aviation-history/dictionary-of-american-naval-aviation-squadrons-volume-1.html [Link Updated 29APR2015 | 07OCT2005]
U.S. Navy Squadron Designations and Abbreviations WebSite http://www.history.navy.mil/branches/squades.htm [15NOV98] |