VPNAVY VP-8 Reunion
VPNAVY Address

ReunionVP-61 ReunionsReunion


ReunionsREUNIONs: "22SEP99...The squadrons of Navy Patrol Wing Four, which was based in the Aleutians in WW II, will be holding a Reunion at NAS Whidbey Island, Washington, starting 22 September 1999. Attached to PatWing Four were PBY squadrons VP-41, VP-42, VP-43, VP-45, VP-61, and VP-62. PV squadrons were VPB-131, VPB-135, VPB-136, and VPB-139. VPB-120 and VPB-122 were PB4Y-2 squadrons that saw duty late in the war. OS2U squadrons VS-48, VS-49, VS-56, and VS-70 did inshore patrol and rescue work. Anyone who was a member of PatWing 4 who is interested in attending the reunion should contact "Ole" Haugen (VP-43) for registration forms. His e-mail address is: j.o.haugen@juno.com. His regular address is 10404 W Sierra Dawn Drive, Sun City, AZ 85351..." Contributed by Robert R. Larson, VP-41/VPB-136 r2larson@greatnorthern.net [31MAY99]

ReunionsREUNIONs: "...VAP-61 Association (VP-61/VJ-61/VAP-61/VCP-61) (Guam), Dr. William H. Barbee Jr, 6610 Adrian St, New Carrollton, MD 20784-3610, 301-441-2219 (H), 202-565-7868 (W), 202-273-9056 fax VAP-61@Rocketmail.com..." http://www.warships1.com/reunion_airgroup.htm [21DEC98]

"VP-61 Summary Page"