VP-82 Notice
NOTICE: "...Ensign William Tepuni who on March 1st, 1942 Sunk U-656 - VP-82..." Contributed by CDR Jim Daniels james.v.daniels@navy.mil [08NOV2006]
I am trying to locate a picture of then Ensign William Tepuni who on March 1st, 1942 sunk U-656 and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) for his actions that day. He was stationed at NAS Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada in VP-82 at the time.
My schoolhouse building at NAS Jacksonville, Florida is named after him (Tepuni Hall). I have written to the National Archives for his awards and medals but I'm having trouble locating a picture of this Officer. We are building a display for his awards and a picture is needed. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
CDR Jim Daniels james.v.daniels@navy.mil Commanding Officer Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training Unit (CNATTU), Jacksonville Box 60 NAS Jacksonville, Fla. 32212-0060 Comm: 904-542-3324 X103 DSN: 942-3324 Cell: 904-699-3566 Fax: 904-542-5364
NOTICE: "...Iīd like to contact the family of Chief Aviation Maschinistīs Mate Donald Mason on board of a VP-82 who sank the German Submarine U-503 on March 15. 1942 southeast of Virgins Rock. The Commander of this submarine was Capt.lt. Otto Gericke and he is my grandfather, he was 32 years old when his boat sunk and me and my family would like to know more about the day he died. So I would be very thankfull about more informations. They were all victims of a horrible war and I hope Informations could help a bit that something like that war would never happen again. Thank you...Christian Schneider c.s51@debitel.net..." [13JAN2001]
"VP-82 Summary Page"