VP-61 Patches
LOGOs: VP-61 Logo "... Original patch for the WWII U.S. Navy Patrol Bombing Squadron VP-61, later VPB-61. Embroiderd on twill, cheesecloth back, 4" dia., No Glow. Tiny pull near the baseball cap and may have been sewn on a flight jacket..." WebSite: EBay http://myworld.ebay.com/braywash [04AUG2012]
LOGOs: VP-61 Logo "...Photo from the TailHook Association http://www.tailhook.org/..." Contributed by Mahlon K. Miller mkwsmiller@cox.net [09APR2002]
LOGOs: VP-61 Patch [14JUN99]
"...Designated: 15 July 1948 Nickname: None Listed Former Designation: None Listed Later Designation: VJ-61 Approved: 17 May 1950 Discontinued: None Listed Reason: Carried over from earlier squadron Photo No: 1-16 Significance: A wild goose which migrates on long flights with the seasons from the Artic to the sub tropics, a determined pilot or photo navigator at the controls reining the goose on a straight photo flight line, and an alert aerial gunner on defense all caricature the action high above the earth in carrying out the mission of aerial photographic reconnaissance and mapping. VP-61 was formed from a portion of VC-61 for the long range photo portion of the VC mission. The insignia of VC-61 was carried over to the newly commissioned VP-61. Colors: Backgound - blue; Goose - white with gray head, neck and wing feathres, pink feet, yellow beak, red tongue, green pupils; Pilot - kahkai flight suit, yellow mae west, brown gloves black boots, red nose, green pupils, white and gray helmet, gunner - same as pilot except red helmet; Blunderbuss - black with brown stock; Camera - black and grey; World - blue oceans, yellow and white land masses; All details - black; Scroll - white with red lettering; Border - black. Record Location: Wash. Record Center Job No: 72-A-101 File: VC-61 Box: 4 of 5..." Contributed by Mick Nussbaum (Insignia Historian) T45_nditech@yahoo.com
LOGOs: VPB-61 Patch Contributed by John Lucas john.lucas@netzero.net [14JUN2001]
LOGOs: VP-61 Patch Contributed by Steve Quesinberry squiz@mindspring.com WebSite: http://members.aol.com/squesinber/page1index.htm [23DEC98]
"VP-61 Summary Page"