VP-4 Veterans Association
Contributed by Robert Zafran vpfourever@gmail.com
Membership/Renewal Application Form
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September 1, 1999
From: VP-4 Veterans Association
To: VP-4 Shipmates
Subj: Roster Update
As we move forward toward our next reunion in Pensacola, FL, we feel the need to update our files. As people sign on to, and or change, internet services and telephone area codes are being changed so frequently, as well as, shipmates relocating their residences, our files become quickly outdated.
Please take a few minutes to fill out the form: (just fill in the data you want us to have, we don't want anyone to feel uncomfortable about this)
Last Name_____________________________________________________
First Name_____________________________________________________
Spouse Name_____________________________________________________
Spouse Nickname_____________________________________________________
Home Phone_____________________________________________________
Home Fax_____________________________________________________
Work Phone_____________________________________________________
Work Fax_____________________________________________________
Primary Email Address_____________________________________________________
Secondary Email Address_____________________________________________________
U.S. Navy Retired? Yes - No_____________________________________________________
Calendar Years Served In VP-4_____________________________________________________
Please send your reply to:
Steve Andruszkewicz
13115 Le Parc #35
Chino Hills, CA 91709-1172
(909) 591-2329
As you can well understand, funding an association of this size, in excess of 800 shipmates thus far, gets expensive. The VP-4 Veterans Association Committee is asking for you to participate by sending in either your $10.00 Annual Dues for the year 2000 or $100.00 LIFETIME DUES. These funds will be used to cover the costs of materials/mailing/and other reunion related expenses.
Please make your check payable to VP-4 Reunion Fund - Account# 1920-0476.
"VP-4 Veterans Association Introduction/Mission Summary Page"