VP-4 Veterans Association
Contributed by Robert Zafran vpfourever@gmail.com
"VP-4 Veterans Association" NEWSLETTER JULY 1999
Following our very successful Reno reunion, Oct. '98, it became apparent that we ought to continue with these events. It was also apparent that no one person was willing to try to repeat Bob Zafran's, almost single-handed, success at organizing the next one. Thus several of us formed an ad-hoc committee to explore the possibilities for a 2000/2001 reunion. The reasoning was; if we had a committee, and sufficient volunteers, we could spread the workload so that even the organizers could enjoy themselves.
Current plans are to have the reunion in the Fall of 2000 or Spring of 2001 in Pensacola. We created one tentative organization to manage the continuing affairs of the Association and another to organize the PNS reunion. NOW WE NEED VOLUNTEERS. The organization is outlined below with names of shipmates who have already expressed a willingness to help. We need you to pick your place. Obviously we need more than one person in most jobs so there's no problem if you select one which already has a name listed.
For the Association;
Chairman: Earl Carpenter (405) 321-2624 fmgs69a@prodigy.com
Vice Chairman for "Pre Naha" Group: _____________
Vice Chairman for "Naha" Group: _______________
Vice Chairman for "Post Naha" Group: Jess Juarez (831) 647-8646 mtrygumshu@aol.com
Treasurer: Barry Robinson (423) 693-9686 BHRconsult@aol.com
Newsletter Editor: Richard Douglass (818) 249-8314 rmdover2u@earthlink.com
Newsletter publisher: _____________
Data Base Manager: Steve Andruszkewicz (909) 591-2329 sgpa2zfmly@aol.com
Web Page Editor: _____________
For the 2001 Reunion;
Chairman: George Rogers (850) 969-1150
Museum Coordinator: ___________
Hotel Reservations: ____________
Hotel Food (banquet): ____________
Hospitality Room: ___________
Tours and Transport: ___________
Now it is up to you to make REUNION 2000 a success. Pick a job and call or e-mail;
Earl Carpenter, 405-321-2624 /// fmgs69a@prodigy.com
Bob Kessler, 808-922-6188 /// 888-976-6237 /// rrkessler@worldnet.att.net
As soon as our organization is staffed you'll hear more. In the meantime if you have questions or suggestions call, e-mail or write to either Carpenter or Kessler.
September 1, 1999
"VP-4 Veterans Association Newsletter Summary Page"