VP-5 Squadron Shipmates
VPNAVY Address

ShipmateVAQ-34 ShipmatesShipmate

LARRISON, AT3 Thomas tpl1957@yahoo.com "...I served with AIMD NAS Norfolk, Virginia, VAQ-33 (1987-1991) where I attended FAEWS/A-3 Framp and VAQ-34. Some might remember me as "Santa" at Xmas parties. I worked in the vans behind hanger t/s pods, planes and other "fun" stuff. Talk about going to extremes! I worked on EA-3's, EA-6's, EA-7's, EP-3's and finally EF/A-18's. I remember being loaned for troubleshooting A-3 and P-3 wiring problems with AE's for weeks. Thank God I was an AT! No knocks against you AEs' - just glad it wasn't permanent. Got out in 1994..." [03OCT2010]

"VAQ-34 Summary Page"