VAP-62 History
Circa 1969
A BIT OF HISTORY: VP-7 History "...VAP-62 and VP-7 Slated For Decommissioning - JAX AIR NEWS - VOL 27 - NO 27 - NAS Jacksonville, FL - 25 SEP 1969..." WebSite: University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries [25MAY2011]
Circa 1952
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VAP-62 was my Dad's squadron circa 59-60'. I found a brief squadron history that I have paraphased below. I got this information out of a Squadron "welcome Aboard" pamphet. Dated 25 March 1960..." Contributed by C. Thomas Frohne
Heavy Photographic Squadron sixty-Two was commissioned at the NAS Jacksonville, Florida in 1952 at VJ-62; but was redesignated in 1956 as VAP-62, and was the Navy's only long-range photo squadron berthed in the United States. They flew the AJ-1 "Savage" until 1959 when they transitioned to the Douglas A3D-2P.
VAP-62's basic mission was to provide aerial photographic intelligence for Naval Operations. The squadron sent detachments to Europe, the Middle East, North America, South America, the Artic, and the Carribbean as well as thoughout the continental United States. [21JAN2001]
Circa 1956
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Photo Squadrons Re-Named - Page 14 - Naval Aviation News - August 1956..." WebSite: [09AUG2004]
Circa 1958
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VAP-62 Gets New Plane - Page 36 - Naval Aviation News - January 1958..." WebSite: [12AUG2004]
Circa 1959
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Versatile '62' Gets A3D-2P Aircraft - Page 30 - Naval Aviation News - November 1959..." WebSite: [16AUG2004]
Circa 1960
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...(VAP-62, VP-5, VP-16 and VP-18) - Naval Aeronautical Organization OPNAV NOTICE 05400 for Fiscal Year 1960 dated 1 February 1960 is: DECLASSIFIED per Office of Chief of Naval Operations on 1 February 1965 by Op-501 - Atlantic Fleet Support Stations..." WebSite: Naval Historical Center [11MAR2007]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...No Place For Mistakes - Page 20 - Naval Aviation News - December 1960..." WebSite: [18AUG2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Accident Rate Lowered - Page 12 - Naval Aviation News - October 1960..." WebSite: [18AUG2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VAP-62 Practices Ballouts - Page 6 - Naval Aviation News - August 1960..." WebSite: [18AUG2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Re-enlistment Rate Of 100% - Page 34 - Naval Aviation News - June 1960..." WebSite: [18AUG2004]
Circa 1961
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VAP-62 Uses Tent Lab - Page 36 - Naval Aviation News - June 1961..." WebSite: [20AUG2004]
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VAP-62 Sailor Decorated - Page 35 - Naval Aviation News - June 1961..." WebSite: [20AUG2004]
Circa 1963
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...SecNav Praises VAP-62 - Page 2 - Naval Aviation News - June 1963..." WebSite: [26AUG2004]
Circa 1965
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...VAP-62 Aids Flood Area - Page 2 - Naval Aviation News - June 1965..." WebSite: [01SEP2004]
Circa 1981
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...Special Operations - Page 30 to 33 - Naval Aviation News - July 1981..." WebSite: [13OCT2004]
Circa Unknown Can you identify the Month and or Year?
A BIT OF HISTORY: "...A Brief History of Heavy Photoron Squadron 62 by Written by Harold L. (Hap) Murphy, PHCS USN (RET)..." Contributed by Dan Eidson Personal WebSite: [22JAN2001]
Before there was a Heavy Photographic Squadron 62, (VAP-62), there was a Photographic Squadron 62, (VJ-62 - established on 10 April 1952). In May 1953 I was a PH3 and was transferred from the Aeronautical Photographic Experimental Laboratory (APEL), in Philadelphia, to Photographic Squadron 62 (VJ-62), then based at the Naval Auxiliary Air Station, Sanford, Florida, after having moved from NAS Jacksonville, Florida. At that time the was operating several types of aircraft, which included P4Y-1P (B-24, to those of you not familiar with earlier Naval aircraft), SNB-2P, F7F-5P, and the predecessor of the A3D, the North American AJ-2P Savage. The AJ-2P was powered by two R2800 radial engines swinging 15 foot 4 blade propellers, and one J33 jet engine in the tail. "Two turning, and one burning" was the way we refered to them in flight. The cockpit seating arrangement was very similar to the A3D-2P, having a pilot, a photo navagitor, and a photo-tech. Unlike the A3D-2P which has the camera compartment immediately behind and easily accessible from the cockpit area, the camera compartment of the AJ-2P was aft of the bomb bay; and to reach it the photo tech had to walk across the bomb bay doors (hoping they didn't open when he was half way across); or if the auxiliary fuel tank was installed in the bomb bay, he had to lie on his back and slide through a tunnel in the center of the fuel tank. The camera compartment could carry 6 cameras, and there was a nose camera compartment which carried one camera, firing forward. The most common configuration we used for most of our cartogtraphic mapping assignments was a tri-met fan of 6 in. focal length, a prime vertical in the A-28 gyro stab- ilized mount, using a 6 in. K-17, and split verticals using a pair of 12 in. K-17's. Around July of 1955 the squadron departed NAS Sanford (no longer NAAS Sanford), and mover to NAS Norfolk, Virginia. In the fall of 1956 I was transferred to the Naval Air Test Center at Patuxent River, Maryland where I would later meet the next generation of heavy photo planes, the A3D-2P. I thought some of you might enjoy a little early history of the squadron in the "good old days" when it was VJ-62. If any old VJ types should happen across this, drop me a line. Particularly anyone from Detatchment Charlie in 1954 or Detatchment Fox in 1956.
"VAP-62 Summary Page"