VPNAVY Operation Poppy by Captain Edward M. Brittingham
VPNAVY Address

Books NADC Johnsville, Pennsylvania MiscellaneousBooks

VP LogosLOGOs: Squadron ThumbnailCameraPatch Purchase "...N-NARDAC PA-$7.00 - McGrogans Patch Designs http://www.mcgrogans.com/..." Contributed by GROGAN, BMCS(SW) Don Retired don@popularpatch.com [28JUN2008]

BooksBOOKs: Title: United States Naval Air Stations of World War II - Volume 1 (Eastern States) and Volume 2 (Western States) by M. L. Shettle, Jr. mlshettle@charter.net. This publication documents all 86 Naval Air Stations commissioned east of the Mississippi, including Louisiana. The text covers the use of the land and the historic aviation events prior to the Navy's involvement; the Naval aviation activity at the station during the war, and the status and use of the airfield today. In addition, there are numerous anecdotes and insights into WW II Naval Aviation, as well as text and many photographs of the aircraft in use. Recollections of WW II Navy veterans lend authenticity to the work. The 257 photographs include a full-page aerial shot of each station. This high-quality book is hard-bound, 8.5 x 11 inches, and 244 pages printed on glossy art paper. Included is a 17 x 22 in. removable map of all the WW II Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard air stations. The devotees of WW II and/or Naval Aviation will find this work an indispensable addition to their libraries. Volume 2 covers the comprehensive histories of the WW II commissioned Naval Air Stations west of the Mississippi including Alaska and Hawaii. This high-quality hardbound book contains 286 pages and 375 photographs. Removable 17 x 22 in. map included. The Author, a former Navy and retired Delta Air Lines pilot, has written the books from a pilot's perspective, in a realistic and accurate manner. The book can be purchased via the Schaertel Publishing Co. at http://www.airbasebooks.com/ [05MAY2002]

"NAF Naval Air Development Summary Page"