CPW-11 Notice
NOTICE: "...CPRW-11, VP-5, VP-16, VP-45 and Historical P-3 Artifacts Needed for Display. Commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing ELEVEN (CPRW-11) will be unveiling a brand new, state of the art Warfare Development Center onboard NAS Jacksonville, Florida. Please contact LCDR Dave Gaddis (david.gaddis2@navy.mil) or LTJG Kelly Chufo (kelly.m.chufo@navy.mil) if you have something you would like to donate to the warfighters of the future to help them remember the past. Any and all types/sizes of memorabilia are welcome! You may also reach us by phone at (904) 542-2823. GO NAVY!..." Contributed by LTJG Kelly Chufo kelly.m.chufo@navy.mil VP-45 Squadron Transition Team [25AUG2006]
NOTICE: "...Can anybody help me locate CAPTAIN E.J.S. Young, Commander of Fleet Air Wing Eleven (CPW-11) from October 1954 through at least March 1955. I am seeking information about my Father that only CAPTAIN Young or his XO would know. My father, CDR Randall T. Boyd, was CO of VP-34 during that same timeframe...Stephen Boyd sbmarshfld@aol.com..." [09FEB2004]
NOTICE: "...VP-5's Blanket Fundraiser - VP-5, VP-16, VP-30, VP-45, VP-62, CPRW-11, and NAS Jacksonville, Florida..." http://www.stilaradesignstudio.com/blanket.htm [26NOV2003]
Price: $50.00
Shipping: $5.00; each additional item is $2.00
Here is our pride and joy. The spouse's club from VP-5 designed this beautiful blanket and we would love to share it with as many people as we can. This blanket features all of the patches from each P-3 squadron (VP-5, VP-16, VP-30, VP-45, and VP-62) at NAS Jacksonville, Florida and is 68" (so it's pretty big) . It even has the new patch from VP-45. No detail has been overlooked. This blanket is even more beautiful in person with vivid colors. We think this blanket would make a wonderful gift for the holidays and even a great keepsake for our own service members. A percentage of our proceeds will go to charities such as, Hope Therapy, Humane Society, Quigley House, Childrens Hospitals, and to needy families.
We hope you will all help support these wonderful causes by enjoying your very own patriotic blanket.
If you would like to purchase a blanket now please press the PayPal button and you will be brought to a check out page. You will receive a personal confirmation email from me when payment is received and your item(s) will be shipped out the following day. Express mail is available for rush deliveries, but please email me before payment as the shipping costs are higher then $5.00 . International shipping is also available, but again please email first as shipping costs are higher.
For more information please email: sara@stilaradesignstudio.com or call 904-885-9627
 "CPW-11 Summary Page"